The River Ganges
A documentary film on various aspects of the river, in different locations, TV series.
Bosnian Pyramids
Susan was invited to Bosnia by Dr Sam Osmanagich, in June 2017, at which time she shot visuals of many of the monuments and surrounding areas of the complex of newly discovered pyramids in the Visoko valley, just outside Sarajevo. She returned to Bosnia again in 2018 and 2019, culminating in her making the first draft of her movie on the Bosnian pyramid complex, in May 2020.
First Draft version of Susan’s Bosnian movie
This is an artistic documentary containing 2 very prominent symbols, ‘Crystal of Time‘ ‘Diamond Lens, Doorway to Infinity‘ that she’s made from examining the Bosnian Pyramid Complex at all possible levels, which themselves contain the meaning of aspects of Universal Truth in their makeup. These symbols are thus embedded into the timeline of the movie, so that they may transmit what they contain to the viewer, upon watching it.
Here, in the process of making this first draft of her movie on Bosnia, as well as in several, previous films Susan has made;
‘The Golden Bridge’ and ‘Crossing Bridges‘
the art form of ‘Kaleidoscopic Filmmaking’ is born.
Now Susan will go through this first version, tidy up what’s already there and polish it with its next layer of emanation.
Drops of Being
Firstly a film script will be written, based on the story told in ‘Drops of Being’ , which will subsequently be turned into a feature film.