Group in Chelyabinsk

Click on the documents below, to read the workshop notes’, then write the caption:

Susan’s workshop notes at Chelyabinsk, ‘Dynamic Mandalas’ of Photo Collage Art


Speech to go with Movie 1 – In my photo collage art, I show how the whole universe is connected to…


Speech to go with Movie 2 – To take the example further, here’s a piece I did entitled…


Speech to go with Movie 3 – Let’s now look at some more details in the art piece…


Speech to go with Movie 4 – Here I display harmonic resonance in relation to our DNA…


Speech to go with Movie 5 – The name of this piece “Rainbow Symphony” is exactly what it says…


Group after session in the park, Chelyabinsk


Group in Chelyabinsk after indoor sessions


Performing a Dynamic Mandala -1


Performing a Dynamic Mandala -2