Universal Osmosis
As an avid photographer, Susan Griffith-Jones has been shooting ‘marvellous’ visions of places and people all over the globe.
Her love of the art of photography is here combined with contemplation of the various techniques and universal spiritual truths of existence taught to her by her Spiritual Masters that over the years she has come to display the meanings of in large, symbolic pictures that contain many photos in mosaic.
Laid upon a base of ply board covered with coloured cloth, particular shapes to highlight certain meanings are then cut out from cardboard and again covered with varying colours of cloth and stuck down upon that base. Photos that have been carefully chosen within a certain theme are then placed upon those shapes to enhance their meanings, ultimately making up one whole shape of sacred geometrical significance, as well as emanating the energy of sacred power spots to the beholder, due to their careful positioning.
Calling this technique ‘Photo Collage Art’, Susan’s first book on this art form, ‘Universal Osmosis’ is going to be an autobiographical work on the journey she passed along to create these kinds of pictures.
The book especially focuses on the people who inspired her, many of the synchronous occurrences that influenced how she developed the content and themes for each picture, as well as the intricate meanings of all 5 of these first pieces that make up Series 1 of her work that she displayed at her exhibition, ‘Universal Osmosis’, London, UK, October-November 2016.
The ‘Photo Collage Art’ pieces … included in this book are:
- ‘Two Keys, One Lock’: first version 2005, second version 2007.
- ‘Pure Vision Transformed into Organised Confusion’: first version 2005, second version 2009, third version 2015.
- ‘Mirror of Space’: 2012
- ‘Rainbow Symphony’: 2014
- ‘Key of Life’: 2016
Ganga, Life of A River
Since 2007, Susan has been visiting various sections of the River Ganga, and both filming and photographing them.
Her extensive 13 year work on the river has lead her all the way from Ganga’s traditional source at Gaumukh, Gangotri down to Sagar Island, beyond Kolkata, where River Ganga meets the Bay of Bengal.
Woven into stories about her own journey along the river, as an undertone this book comments on historical, geographical, social, religious and environmental aspects of the River Ganges, but is polished off with deeper spiritual truths that are embedded into lessons learned along the way.
‘Visions of Bosnia, a book about Kaleidoscopic Filmmaking’
Susan’s up and coming book, ‘Visions of Bosnia, a book about Kaleidoscopic Filmmaking’ tells the story of how she was invited to Bosnia by Sam Osmanagich, the discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids, to make an artistic documentary on the Bosnian Pyramid Complex.
Starting from the very first time she ever heard about the place and continuing to describe how she synchronistically met Sam in India and then went to visit the Bosnian pyramids three times over three consecutive years, within the narrative she particularly goes into much detail about how she actually went about producing the movie, ‘Visions of Bosnia’.
But the journey was not at all straightforward!
In order to determine the layout of the movie, she first needed to discover and subsequently make 2 Photo Collage Art pieces through examining the Bosnian Pyramid Complex at many different levels.
These became ‘Crystal of Time’ (2019) and ‘Diamond Lens, Doorway to Infinity’ (2020), which now make up the first 2 pictures of Series 2 of her Photo Collage Art.
Using prominent symbols within both of these intricate pieces that themselves contain hidden meanings of universal truth in their makeup, she describes many facets of the Bosnian Pyramid Complex within their very structure.
Once infused into the very fabric of the movie as its timing, visuals, narration and music, these symbolic pictures become an integral part of it so that they may transmit the frequencies of universal symbolic truths that are contained within the pictures themselves, directly to the viewer upon watching the movie.
Although Susan has previously made films using these methods, after making ‘Visions of Bosnia’ she gave this art form the name, ‘Kaleidoscopic Filmmaking’, defining it in a way that she has not done with her other works, namely, 'Circle of Immortality', the making of which is described in her book, ‘The Living Pyramid’, as well as her films 'The Golden Bridge' and 'Crossing Bridges'.
The River Ganges
Since 2007, Susan has been visiting various sections of the River Ganga and both filming and photographing them.
Her extensive 13-year work on the river has led her from Ganga’s traditional source at Gaumukh, Gangotri in the Indian state of Uttarakhand high up in the Himalayas, down to Sagar Island where River Ganga meets the Bay of Bengal, beyond Kolkata.
This is the story of Ganga, of life and death, of connection to our multi-dimensional realities and of wondrous magic and healing.
Like beads on one whole necklace, a series of short movies containing the key meanings of existence will demonstrate Ganga’s holistic universal meaning. Including dynamics such as the nature of birth, life, death and beyond to a natural state of being, the movies will be purposefully laid out to shine deeper spiritual truths to viewers through an organic process of osmosis.
All the information about what and how to lay out the movies is already symbolically embedded inside ‘The Magician’s Jewel’, a Conscious Installation Device that contains all the necessary information to transmit frequencies of universal symbolic truths to the viewer through a skilful management of timing, visuals, narration and music that will be laid across the timelines of a series of movies according to Susan’s art form of ‘Kaleidoscopic Filmmaking’.
In order to do this, Susan will take different sections of the ‘Bardo Thodol’ - ‘The Tibetan Book of the Dead’, a masterpiece of knowledge on the nature of existence, each part of which relates to one or another section of ‘The Magician’s Jewel’, and spanning the entire stretch of Ganga from source to mouth and back again, weave these universal truths into stories about her own journey along the river and the lessons she learned along the way.
Susan will depict how Ganga is a flow of energy, matching various large settlements along her path with our own chakras, as portals of different intensity of vibration that may carry us from one to another conscious dimensional state, representing different qualities of mind according to their position within an octave of harmonic resonance.
Drops of Being
Firstly a film script will be written, based on the story told in ‘Drops of Being’ , which will subsequently be turned into a feature film.